

"Excellent safety performance results from the same effective management that produces good service and high quality."

Goal Zero

Kel-Gor Limited has an enviable record in our Health and Safety Program and Loss prevention.

Kel-Gor Limited has worked for the past fifty years in the field construction environment of the Petro Chemical, Power and Air Separation industries. Our goal is ZERO injuries.

Our Total Recordable Injury rate is based on Lost Time Injury and Medical Aid statistics. It is our goal to provide a work place where every worker can go home every day without an injury.


We shall ensure, as a minimum, to comply with applicable laws and industry codes as well as our client safety requirements.  Beyond compliance, our goal is to avoid preventable injuries and to achieve and maintain excellence in health and safety performance by conforming to a safety program emphasizing management commitment, employee involvement, training, prevention, protection, and performance monitoring. In addition, the Kel-Gor safety program is based on the concept of continuous improvement. Protection of health and safety will permeate our planning and our activities and be a primary consideration in all we do.

Safety & Quality in Everything We Do.

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